Insights into Early Childhood Educators' Understandings of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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Insights into Early Childhood Educators' Understandings of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

HREC Project ID: ETH2023-0746 The ethical aspects of this research project have been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of the University of Southern Queensland as required by the Australian government research requirements, specified in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007 - updated 2018). This statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies.  Your responses to this survey are 100% anonymous, private and confidential.  

Hello and thank you for your interest in this research.  Your responses are essential, and we want to reassure you that it is absolutely okay if you are not familiar with the SDGs. The purpose of the survey is to gather insights from a diverse range of experiences and backgrounds, and your honest input, whether you have prior knowledge or not, will greatly contribute to our research. The research is a collaboration between researchers from the University of Southern Queensland and the Queensland University of Technology. Your participation will help us tailor future resources and support to better meet the needs of early childhood educators. We appreciate your time and commitment to advancing education for a sustainable and inclusive future. It is possible to save the survey and continue at any time. Please access a detailed explanation of the research here: Participant Information Sheet

By continuing to participate in this survey by clicking on the 'NEXT' button, you agree with the following:

  • I am an Early Childhood Educator
  • I have read, understood and kept a copy of the Participant Information Sheet
  • I understand that the responses I give will be anonymous.
  • I understand that my participation in this survey is entirely voluntary.
  • I understand that the responses I provide may be used in research publications.
  • I understand that by clicking on the submit button at the end of the survey that it will be taken as voluntary consent.  
  • I understand that this is an inter-university research collaboration between one UniSQ researcher and one QUT researcher, with data store at UniSQ and accessed by the QUT researcher via MS Teams.

If you do not wish to participate in this survey, please close the browser window. Thank you.

There are 20 questions in this survey.