Human Research Ethics Approval Number -
Assessing Organisational Readiness for Data-driven Innovation - An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study.
This project is being undertaken in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The goal of this study is to assess how organisations prepare themselves to successfully implement data-driven innovation (DDI) and thus, to explore what is the impact of organisational readiness for DDI towards data-driven innovation implementation effectiveness and data-driven decision-making effectiveness in the organisation. This survey is anonymous, and no information that would identify you is being collected.
Your participation in this project is entirely voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, you are not obliged to. A link will be sent to you via an email which will take you to the questionnaire, and you are implying consent to participate by completing and submitting this online survey. You will not be able to withdraw data once you submit the survey, but it will be possible to withdraw anytime while completing the survey by simply closing the web browser. It should take you around 20 - 25 minutes to complete the survey. Any data that may help identify participants will be removed before the dataset is released. Only aggregate data will be used in any presentations or publications that result from this research. Do not hesitate to let other people know about the study.
Expected Benefits
It is expected that this project will not directly benefit you. However, it may benefit:
- Organisations will gain insights into their current level of readiness for data-driven innovation, which can help identify areas for improvement and strategic investment.
- The findings of this research may contribute to developing best practices and guidelines for organisations looking to enhance their readiness for data-driven innovation, thereby fostering a more competitive and innovative business environment.
- This study will add to the existing body of knowledge on data-driven innovation, providing valuable data and insights that can inform future research and theory development in this area.
- The research outcomes could assist policymakers and business consultants in designing policies and frameworks that support organisations in their transition to data-driven innovation.
- The study could highlight common challenges and success factors in implementing data-driven strategies, thus benefiting the broader business community by promoting more effective innovation practices.
In participating in the questionnaire, there are no anticipated risks beyond normal day-to-day living.
Privacy and Confidentiality
All responses will be treated confidentially unless required by law. The online questionnaire is completely anonymous. The names of individual persons are not required in any of the responses and, in any written form in the research report. Any data collected as a part of this project will be stored securely as per the University of Southern Queensland’s Research Data Management policy.
Consent to Participate
Clicking on the ‘Submit’ button at the conclusion of the questionnaire is accepted as an indication of your consent to participate in this project.
Questions or Further Information about the Research
If you have any questions, please refer to the Research Team Contact Details or to request further information about this research.
Concerns or Complaints Regarding the Conduct of the Research
If you have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of the project, you may contact the University of Southern Queensland, Manager of Research Integrity and Ethics on +61 7 4687 5703 or email researchintegrity@unisq.edu.au. The Manager of Research Integrity and Ethics is not connected with the research project and can address your concern in an unbiased manner.
Research Team Contact Details
Principal Investigator
Mrs. Sasari Samarasinghe
Email: sasari.samarasinghe@unisq.deu.au
Principal Supervisor
Dr Sachithra Lokuge
Email: sachithra.lokuge@usq.edu.au
Associate Supervisor
Dr Sophia Duan
Email: Sophia.duan@latrobe.edu.au