Is Teacher Wellbeing Linked to Perception of Their Own Competence and Confidence in Implementing Positive Behaviour for Learning Tier 1 Strategies?
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Is Teacher Wellbeing Linked to Perception of Their Own Competence and Confidence in Implementing Positive Behaviour for Learning Tier 1 Strategies?

Your participation will involve completion of an online questionnaire that will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.  Questions will relate to your perceptions of your confidence and competence in the implementation of Tier 1 classroom Positive Behaviour for Learning supports, your perceptions of student behaviour and questions about your subjective wellbeing.  Your participation in this project is entirely voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, you are not obliged to. If you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the project at any stage.  You will be unable to withdraw data collected about yourself after you have participated in the questionnaire.  If you do wish to withdraw from this project, please contact the researcher, Ms Theresa Baker.

Your decision whether you take part, do not take part, or take part and then withdraw, will in no way impact your current or future relationship with the University of Southern Queensland.  In participating in the questionnaire, there are minimal risks such as time imposition however every effort will be made to collect information at a time that is convenient for yourself, and to cause the least impost.  It is not anticipated that there will be other disadvantages or risks beyond normal day-to-day living associated with participation in this study.  However, sometimes thinking about the sorts of issues raised in the questionnaire can create some uncomfortable or distressing feelings.  If you need to talk to someone about this immediately, please contact the College’s Guidance Officers, Assure Program to support the wellbeing of BCE staff on 1800 808 374 or Lifeline on 13 11 14, or your General Practitioner (GP).

All comments and responses are confidential unless required by law. You will not be individually identified in the survey or in the final research Assignment report. The identity of your school will not be used in any presentation of the findings. All comments and responses will be treated confidentially unless required by law.  All survey data and consent forms will be stored on a secure server and password protected hard drive, as per the University’s Research Data Management policy.  Participant data will not be made available for future research purposes and data will be stored so that it is non-identifiable.  Participants will be able to access a 2-page summary of the findings or the entire research report by making formal request through the College Principal.  Any data collected as a part of this project will be stored securely, as per University of Southern Queensland’s Research Data and Primary Materials Management Procedure.  If you have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of the project, you may contact the University of Southern Queensland, Manager of Research Integrity and Ethics on +61 7 4631 1839 or email The Manager of Research Integrity and Ethics is not connected with the research project and can address your concern in an unbiased manner.

Teacher wellbeing is of paramount importance and is directly linked to student wellbeing (Carter & Anderson, 2019).  At our College we have implemented and grown a Positive Behaviour for Learning framework with much focus placed on the Tier 1 universal strategies that apply to the entire school all of the time.  As such, the researcher is considering that there is a link between the teacher’s high level of self-perceived confidence in being able to implement these supports at a Tier 1 level and their sense of wellbeing and overall positivity about their job.  It is suggested that if a link between these two elements can be proven or exists, it would follow that investing in Professional Development for teachers in their understanding of Tier 1 supports would enhance their own wellbeing.  This research is significant to the researcher and the context, because teacher wellbeing is directly linked to student wellbeing and it follows that if teacher wellbeing can be enhanced in any way, then this would assist to improve student wellbeing outcomes at the College (Oberle & Schonert-Reichl, 2016). 

This project is being undertaken as part of a Masters Project for Masters of Education (Special Education) through the University of Southern Queensland.  The purpose of this project is to understand whether there is a link between teachers’ perception of their own self confidence in implementing Tier 1 Positive Behaviour for Learning classroom strategies and their own wellbeing. 

Thank you for taking the time to help with this research project.


There are 40 questions in this survey.